I liquidated my set of Master's Edition II and my remaining M10 packs and ended up with a bunch of tix, so I decided when Zendikar came out I would build a constructed deck. I decided to buy the cards for Jund, so I built this:
4 Bloodbraid Elf
3 Broodmate Dragon
4 Putrid Leech
4 Sprouting Thrinax
3 Bituminous Blast
4 Lightning Bolt
2 Resounding Thunder
2 Terminate
2 Garruk Wildspeaker
4 Blightning
3 Maelstrom Pulse
4 Forest
2 Mountain
4 Swamp
3 Dragonskull Summit
4 Rootbound Crag
4 Savage Lands
4 Verdant Catacombs
4 Goblin Ruinblaster
4 Jund Charm
4 Duress
1 Pyroclasm
2 Thought Hemorrhage
I didn't have enough for fetchlands, so I just replaced it with 2 Swamps and 2 Forests, and since I haven't played any Zendikar events yet, I don't have Goblin Ruinblasters so I just made them Anathemancers.
I started 2-man queues because there are no Zendikar events until tomorrow. Two-man queues are pretty awesome because you just have to win a little better than half your matches to have positive EV (about 57% right now since they're paying M10 and M10 sells for 3.5 Tix). And there are some really bad budget decks there too (that you might see kids play at FNM), so you can mise free wins that way.
One thing that is frustrating me is the freaking mirror match. I have no idea what the keys are and how to win it. Do you literally just have to Cascade better than your opponent? And freaking Sprouting Thranax, what's the proper way to deal with this guy? I figured that trading Thranax for Thranax is pretty good, Thranax for a Bloodbraid too? No idea. I'm boarding in 2 Thought Hemmorhage and I usually name Bloodbraid Elf if I hit it T4 or Bituminious Blast if I have a guy I don't want to die or something.
Duskmourn: House of Horror
2 months ago
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