I drafted Zendikar three times this past weekend, and I really really like this format. You're almost always attacking and it seems way more tempo-oriented than M10. Your most important cards in the game cost 2 or 3, so mana screw doesn't hurt you as badly as it does in M10 or Shards either, and with landfall, you're almost never drawing dead.
There are some cards that I'm not sure how to evaluate. I've gotten mixed opinions from people I've talked to about these guys.
Scythe Tiger: Someone compared it to Mist Leopard in M10, which is pretty darn mediocre and a card I'm not really happy to have to start in that format. But if you think about how much mana you actually need in play vs. how much you need the actually land for Landfall and other effects, to me the sac a land hardly seems like a drawback. Turn 4 play a three drop and play this guy? Clear the board and now deal with a 3 power attacker and his friends? I like this guy.
Ruinous Minotaur: I had multiples of these in a Sealed pool but wasn't sure how great it was to have that many. In draft I can see building the right deck around him, but multiples in Sealed seems so awkward if this is a critical portion of your three-drop slot.
Vampire's Bite: Someone really liked this card. Seems bad to me. Your results may vary, but I think I'd only run this in an extremely extremely aggressive weenie deck.
Into the Roil: I love this card in this kind of format, it's like Temporal Eddy. I opened 3 of these in a pool, a couple of Blue evasion guys, and the Blue 5/5 flyer with Shroud, and wondered if it was worth maining the color for. I guess in Sealed they can keep you alive for a while until you get your good late game cards and then they're still good late. Good thing I saved that pool and I can try it again.
Kor Cartographer: I guess he's fine for enabling landfall, but you couldn't give him three toughness so that he impacts the board more than just trading with some dork? Don't know that I'd be happy having to play this guy in a draft.
Duskmourn: House of Horror
2 months ago
I actually think Vampire's Bite is solid as a sideboard card in the aggro mirror since that matchup is all about racing.
Also, the card is probably okay as a 23rd card in the maindeck since most decks will be aggro.
Good thing this is a 22-spell format :)
People around Pittsburgh keep trying to tell me that Vampire's Bite isn't utter trash, and I have just been unable to see it as anything else. Like, I'd play it if I had multiple first strikers, and you're only doing to see so many Geopedes in a draft or a sealed pool...
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