If you came here looking for what deck you should play next weekend at the Grand Prix, you came to the wrong place because I have no idea.
I went a very frustrating 3-3-2 at the PTQ with Zoo. I was mulliganing infinitely. Maybe I'm being too greedy with my sevens, is it wrong to send back hands with no one drops? What about clunky hands involving Steam Vents and a Blood Crypt, stranding a Wild Nacatl or leaving you with a bad Kird Ape? Here's what I played against:
Round 1: Zoo W
Round 2: Zoo L. Frustrating Game 2 when he peels Duergar Hedge-Mage for my Jitte and my Ring that was hiding a Tarmogoyf), then Game 3 a little rushed I pitch a controlling 7 and keep what may have been a bad 6.
Round 3: Faeries D. G2 I get a gift and he Cliques me after knowning the contents of my hand (double Jitte) from a Clique.... that was still on the board.
Round 4: Zoo L. Mull to 4 game 2. He kept a bad hand too but it took me too long to get there.
Round 5: Slide L. I blame myself for this not being a draw because I had called a judge twice on him for forgetting to draw and drawing off a cycle that he did not have the mana for, and in extra turns with a judge sitting at the table I miss my chance to nail him for forgetting to draw off a cycle but him remembering at end step. I knew I could probably nail him because I watched him play Round 1 and he was very slow and not as sharp with his operations.
Round 6: Martyr (Cactus Control) D. He was a slow player copying Zaiem and Jon's deck from BDM's article, but I wasn't going to push a slow play warning in the champions' bracket. That being said, this match is very bad and I managed to steal a game.
Round 7: Scrub, W. Bottom table.
Round 8: Dredge, W. Second to last table.
I went to time four times which I can pin on myself. In Limited I was speeding up too much then slowed it down and played better, but now I'm getting too slow presumably because I haven't tested as much Extended as I had Shards Limited with MODO and three paper drafts a week.
I tried running a modified Zoo (with Mana Tithe in the main) in the Magic-League master and was out of contention after round 4 and didn't win a single match in the following two rounds either. I'm not sure if I want to try Mana Tithe for more, (Think about it: how often does someone tap out against you for Firespout or Damnation or Thirst or Vendilion Clique or for pretty much anything? And what deck would you hate to be on the back foot against because you have to play an additional land to cast your spells?) but I still feel like I'm getting outclassed in power level:
Round 1 vs. Zoo L (I played G3 poorly, all my fault)
Round 2 vs. GB Loam W
Round 3 vs. Dredge W
Round 4 vs. All In L (terrible matchup)
Round 5 vs. Bubble Hulk L (pretty bad too if you can't stop Footsteps)
Round 6 vs. GB Death Cloud L (close but Krosan Grip gets me)
I played the deck in a couple of minis too. In one I beat Faeries then beat TEPS, and in the other I beat the same TEPS and I lose to the Burn Deck.
I hate blaming things on luck or mulligans or stuff like that, because I feel like I'm not good enough or flawless enough to complain about luck. Maybe the deck really isn't powerful enough to win a PTQ. Maybe I haven't put in enough hours.
Our Top 8 was 3 Faeries decks, 2 Affinity decks, TEPS, WG Haterator, and Uwg Chase Rare-ish kind of thing. (Call it Gifts Ungiven without Gifts Ungiven? That's what it looked kind of like.) Affinity beat Faeries in the final. A Pokemon World Champion won the spot over a man who has to date lost three matches in three events this season.
At the other PTQ this weekend in Louisville, Zaiem and Jon's Cactus Control creation took down a Blue Envelope beating Faeries. The rest of the top 8 was Burn, Affinity, GB Loam, Zoo, another Faeries deck, and TEPS.
So looking back.... maybe Zoo can still get there? I thought about Gavin's GB Loam deck. Even though Faeries is the best deck, that mirror would be mindnumbing and I don't think I could have it down pat in less than a week. I toyed with Affinity last week, but I'm also not comfortable running that deck, especially since you randomly scoop it to Turn 2 Kataki. GB is pretty good I hear against Faeries (better than Zoo is), so it made it tempting.
Duskmourn: House of Horror
2 months ago
1 comment:
Looks like Gavin's friend in Louisville jumped the gun. It was more of Flores' list that won the PTQ in Louisville, not Cactus Control. Oh well.
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