So now that the ridiculous first three weeks of the Extended season are gone, I now have four and a half weeks to learn the format. I nearly did what I said I would do: pick a deck I know I'd like (Zoo), test it, and ride it out for these first three weeks. I did manage to win a Trial (an 11 person trial with two scoops...), but I chickened out at the Grand Prix and played a deck I didn't know very well and picked up three draws as a result.
So now these next five weeks, I'm actually going to learn the format, and play the best deck. Maybe right now it's Faeries or TEPS, but maybe in five weeks something else will emerge. Here's the remainder of my schedule:
2/21 - Vancouver
2/28 - Standard for a Mox
3/14 - Portland
3/21 - Seattle
Right now the best decks are Faeries, GB, TEPS, Affinity, with Elves, Zoo, and Mono Red Burn lurking. Maybe a deck like Zoo will transform and get ridiculous with Gaea's Alara's Might. But right now I'm not committing to a deck for a while and when it's time to buy cards I can choose the best deck and spend the rest of my time testing the tar out of the mirror. (Btw, I'm like 2-6 in the Zoo mirror. Vomit on myself.)
Duskmourn: House of Horror
2 months ago
Ok, quick overview of the event this weekend..
230 players, 9 rounds, playing aggroloam
round 1 draw against affinity after he sac's his board to atog then is aloud to tap mana from it to cast fatal frenzy..g3 board is me with 2 creatures and a jitte with 6 counters and 3 cards, him with an ornithopter and no cards in hand.......2 more turns and i win this. sets me in the draw bracket from the start...
round 2 faeries go into game 3 w/ 10 minutes left, he asks if i wanted to roll a die to see who wins if we go to time to avoid 0-0-2...i proceed to fill out a dq report on him the rest of the round.
round 3 W naya zoo, he doesn't sb games 2-3 even though he sees cop:red dredged away game 2
round 4 L GWR slide.....this deck is goooood, though it relies too much on the loam engine to work.
round 5 L to the mirror, game 1 he raven's crime a life from the loam out of my hand...i dredge it back, with worm harvest being the first card in the bin....i lose that game by an act of God.
round 6 W no turns out the guy plays the opponent NEXT to me, who was supposed to get a no show...but he was playing Monowhite anyways, so it was a bye.
round 7 W monowhite proclamation...not even close...
round 8 W MU fae goes to 3 though game 2 was just because i kept a bad hand.
round 9 Draw mirror...i think i have the upper hand in game 3, ask him to concede to me, but he doesn't to conserve we draw and neither of us get prizes.
5-2-2, 34th out of 230..noble effort..though only 32 get prize.....oh well..i probably screwed up some games, but it's all a blur now.
Did you play Michael Jacob's list or your own, and if your own, care to post?
I ended up wussing out and not playing the 2 hide//seek instead of 2 darkblast, mainly because it opened up sb slots for 3 krosan grip. My maindeck was the same as jacob's, save for a godless shrine in place of a swamp. The SB was
4 COP: Red
2 Ravenous Baloth
3 Extirpate
3 Krosan Grip
3 Damnation
I think having the hide//seeks would have helped in the mirror a little bit, as no matter what else happened in the game, it came down to who started going nuts with worm harvest first...A few people at the event were talking like they should sb into an even more aggro plan with garruks and baloths and go so far as to take out the graveyard package because that is what everyone is siding in for, though I don't know if that is completely correct.
You'd go Aggro in the mirror to make Extirpates and Relics dead, but also so you can win in 50 minutes.
Potentially...if I were to play it again, I may just take out extirpates in my sideboard to put in garruks, as crazy as that sounds...wait, I lie, they're VERY good against slide and I think it will increase in popularity.
I would definitely play this deck in another tournament though. I like the way that the deck felt and think that I could position myself to a better finish at another event. 9 rounds was a grind though...didn't expect that one coming.
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